Football Tycoon 2 
2024 | UEFN 
Football Tycoon 2 is a custom level developed by our team at Hermit Crab for Fortnite.

Building on the highly popular Tycoon game mode, where players earn money through droppers and clickers to construct their own mansions, we took it a step further by adding
a soccer stadium,minigames and even a dedicated pvp zone alongside the mansion.
Despite facing a very strict deadline, our team successfully delivered a rich, beautiful, and fully-realized level.

Football Tycoon 2 stands out as an original take on the genre, offering a unique and engaging experience that differentiates itself from traditional Tycoon levels.
Given the tight development cycle, I started with a bubble diagram to plan the layout effectively.
My approach was to play various Tycoon games, analyze their strengths and weaknesses, and iterate based on these findings.
The design centered on a Mansion/Training Center with four floors, culminating in a penthouse offering great views of the map, connected to the Soccer Stadium.
Additionally, we introduced a high-risk underground zone where players could farm resources faster but faced PvP challenges, adding strategic depth to the gameplay.
Through iterations, the bubble diagram provided a clear roadmap for each room, landmark, and key asset in the level. Creating the basis for all that comes after.
The design began with creating plateaus to refine the level's scale and overall feel.
With circular rooms as a focal point, we ensured the dimensions of each were consistent with the intended experience and that the flow and player movement was fluid.

Once the plateaus were validated, walls and blueprints for assets were added. This allowed us to playtest and balance the level early, using placeholder mechanics to ensure functionality.
It was in this phase that we playtested and iterated the most, the game was functional and we only had to ensure that the player navigation and prgress made snese and was feeling good.
Polishing and Decoration
In the final phase, placeholders were swapped for finished assets, materials were refined, and the aesthetics and flow were polished to deliver a cohesive level.
This was the step that we spend the most time in. By the nature of a Tycoon there were a lot of assets and decorations to implement and create, while the level progression feeling pleasant, intuitive and fun.
What I've Learned?

This project was a test of efficiency under pressure, given its fast pace and strict deadline. It honed my blockout and planning skills, allowing me to deliver results I’m genuinely proud of.
Collaboration was the cornerstone of our success. As a team, we communicated effectively, supported one another, and solved challenges together. We also developed and shared tools to streamline the process, making this project a true masterclass in teamwork and synergy.
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