2019-2020 | Unity | android
Lesimo is a mobile puzzle game exclusive to Android. It is a minimalistic Tetris-like puzzle game with a catch: you can move the pieces after they have fallen. The objective is to create huge chains of combinations.
The game was made as a tribute to Bauhaus' 100th anniversary.

The Idea
Lesimo was the first game released by Nebula, marking a significant milestone for us. We believed in its potential, so we completed and released it. Currently, Lesimo is available on the Google Play Store with a small player base.
My Responsibilities on the Project:

- General Game Design
- General Level Design
- Systems and Progression
What do i learned?
This project taught me a lot about creating a simple yet deep gameplay experience. Lesimo was one of my first experiences balancing an automated puzzle. I read extensively on balancing and progression curves.
Releasing Lesimo as my first mobile game involved learning about player retention and session basics. I playtested extensively and received mentoring focused on mobile game design, making this a valuable hands-on workshop for learning and practicing the fundamentals.
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